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plok — It reads like a blog, but it sounds harder!
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Damien Katz and the CouchDB development team are proud to announce:
CouchDB version 0.7.0 is now available.
This release is a major milestone in the project’s history.
Key features include:
Version 0.7.0 is the first CouchDB release that is intended for widespread use.
The programming interface is now stable enough to encourage application development on top of CouchDB. Please remember that it is still ‘alpha software’ and that some features may be changed or removed in a future release.
Due to a current limitation in the Erlang/OTP filesystem driver a CouchDB database file can not grow beyond 2 gigabytes in size. This is not a limitation in CouchDB itself, but in the standard library it uses. This problem will be addressed in a future release.
Special Thanks to William Beh, Jan Lehnardt, Roger Leigh, Christopher Lenz, Sam Ruby, Dirk Schalge, Noah Slater and Carlos Valiente.
Does the REST interface bring support for conditional GET’s?
The ease of caching solutions that conditional GETs bring, would be incredibly great to have at the DB level.
@Mathias At the moment, CouchDB does not support conditional GETs, but rest assured, it will before going 1.0 :)
sounds great! is there any example for the use with lucene / fulltext search?
thanks & greats
@sven We don’t have a tutorial for this as things are moving a bit. But I’ll post something about it at some point.
nice, sounds great!
The easy way around the 2GB limitation is to use 64-bit Erlang on a 64-bit architecture. CouchDB probably needs some tuning of its C code to get there.
@Nikola It’d be great if a 32bit installation would handle larger file sizes as well :) Also, the C code in CouchDB does not handle files or data storage, that is all Erlang.
Hello, Thanks for my follower :)
I use MacBook but I have problem about administrator user and password , is to I can’t remember them, and my Mac Installer CD lost. What can I do? T_T sorry for my poor english. C
Hey, have a look at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Mac/10.4/en/mh655.html