I am happy to announce that Noah Slater, J. Chris Anderson and I are writing “Relax with CouchDB” for O’Reilly.
The book is designed to guide you gently through using CouchDB with clear but practical scenarios. We progressively showcase key features, starting with simple document CRUD, working through to advanced MapReduce, and culminate with deployment tuning for performance and reliability.
Writing is hard, but Noah and Chris have already proven to be the best co-authors I could have wished for.
The kicker, for me, is that we will be releasing the book under a free license (CCby03) .
We’ve set up a Google Group for feedback where you can tell us what you would like to read. We will be releasing chapters as we write them (open license FTW) and we’d like to get your insights on how we are doing and what we are missing. Sign up now, thanks a lot!