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plok — It reads like a blog, but it sounds harder!
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I’ll be travelling all over the US to talk about CouchDB and meet the community for hacking & fun. If you’d like to meet & greet & talk about anything CouchDB, get in touch.
The “tour dates” are:
April 19th – 22nd: CouchHack, Asheville, NC
CouchHack.org is a four-day hacker event featuring 4/7th of the CouchDB developer group including original author Damien Katz. But you can also meet Paul Davis and J Chris Anderson.
We’ll be hacking on cutting-edge CouchDB features and help everybody there to get up to speed with CouchDB usage and internal development.
It’s a free event, just go to the wiki and sign up.
Thanks to our sponsors HUDORA and BigBlueHat for making the event possible!
April 22nd: Percona Performance Conference, Santa Clara, CA
The conference is a free add-on independent conference that happens to take place at the same time & location as the MySQL User Conference & Expo. It focusses on high-performance databases. I’ll be giving a short introduction to CouchDB at 19:05 (07:05pm).
April 24th – 26th: JSConf, Washington, DC
JSConf is the first JavaScript centered conference and J Chris Anderson will talk about CouchDB and CouchApps. I’ll just attend, but am open for meetings & drinks.
April 27th – May 1st: CouchDB University & CouchDB Factory, Palo Alto, CA
The CouchDB University & Factory run as part of the Erlang University & Factory programmes. The University is a three day training course on everything CouchDB (there are still seats available!) and the Factory is a two day event featuring tons of Erlang content. Friday, the last day, will host a CouchDB event in (nearly) each slot of the day.
If you are attending any of these events or are near by and want to meet, give me a ring.
Just a slight correction — the Percona conference is not an add-on, it’s a completely independent event we created, and were then invited to bring into the same venue. This is just to keep the record straight :-) Thanks!
Fixed, thanks! :)
I hope that you will be in Palo Alto from April 27 to May 1, not March 1. ;-)
I keep making this error, I don’t know why :)
Keep up the good work.